Friday, October 10, 2008

Husband's health brings us closer to God

As you may have noticed, my posts have fallen a bit behind. Truth is, I'm behind in EVERYTHING. My darling hubby became quite ill at work a few weeks ago and gave us all a scare. After many doctor visits and medical testing, it has been determined that he has heart disease. My 35 year old guy was very shocked to hear this. It's hard for him to accept that he's not invincible.
In practical terms, this means that he will be out of work for a minimum of a month. While I know that God will provide for us during this time, my brain looks at the budget and bills and wonders how. How sad that it takes a near tragedy to focus my complete reliance back on God.
Now as I pray constantly for my husband and our family, I also pray that I will not forget that it is our Glorious Father who provides for us during both the tough and easy times.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Usborne Books

One of the joys of homeschooling is having a home full of books. Unfortunately, that can also become a drain on the finances. So, I've decided to combine our love of books with a way to supplement our income by becoming an Usborne books consultant. When hubby realized how much of our library was made up of Usborne books, he too agreed that working for the company would make more sense.
These are very good quality, highly educational, child friendly books. There's something for every one. Check out my website at . You can order right off the site or contact me to book a party and earn your books for free.
Happy reading!