Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Weekend with the grandparents

Daughter9, son5, and niece5
Son3 with big sister hiding behind

As you can see from the above pics, tree climbing is a favorite activity at my parent's home. My oldest two would live in trees if I would allow it. The youngest hadn't shown much interest till just now. You can see that he still had quite a firm grip on that branch!

We headed to my parents right after leaving camp. The camp is half-way between our home and my folks, so it seemed like a good time for our visit. It had been six weeks since the last time we'd seen them. Way too long according to both my kids and my parents!

My parents had a very full house as my brother's two children were also staying for a few days. Grandparents and cousins to play with - life was pretty good. We went swimming, four-wheeling, rock climbing, blueberry picking, toad catching and played hide-n-seek in the dark. The joys of country living!

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