Saturday, September 27, 2008

Kat9's first blog post!

My daughter has asked to be a contributor for this blog. Therefore, we will have the occasional post from "Kat's World". Enjoy!

Hi, welcome to my world! We have ponies and unicorns. Ok, maybe not. But in my world, I take real stories and turn them into make believe stories. This is to tell you what Kat's World is about. There will be lots of different Kat's World stories. I'll add more soon. Later!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

More funnies

Just found the list I'd made of humorous sayings. So here's some more......

*We're adults. When did that happen and how do we make it stop?*

*You're my favorite. Don't tell the others.*

*I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I'm to die for.*

*Be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios.*

*Therapy is expensive. Popping bubblewrap is cheap. You choose.*

*Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?*

*If Tylenol, duct tape, or a band-aid can't fix've got a serious problem.*

*Homeschoolers have class....everywhere.*

*I homeschool because I don't believe in the mass production of human beings.*

*Warning: Currently under the influence of toddlers*

*Who are these kids and why are they calling me mom?*

*Moms never pee alone.*

*Yes, all these kids are mine!*

*I lost my mind. I think my kids took it.*

and finally......

*I'll catch up on my sleep when my kids are in college.*

Just a little quick humor

Lately, I've come upon a couple of bumper stickers and buttons that struck my funny bone. Thought I'd share them.

"I've seen the village. I don't want it raising my child."

"Yes, I'm homeschooled. I'll try to use small words for your benefit."

"Keep taking my name in vain, and the traffic jam will only get longer - God"

"I homeschool. What's your super power?"

"Star Wars: The story of the dysfunctional Skywalker family"

I'll add more as I come upon them. Hope this lightened your day!

Monday, September 15, 2008

First day of school

The joy of homeschooling! Learning in our pajamas!

My brother's wedding

At the end of August, we attended my brother's wedding. My children had a great time being surrounded by so many family members - not to mention the dancing! Here's a few photos from the reception.

daughter, niece (bride's daughter), and son5
nephew (bride's son), son5, son3, and niece
"not another picture" son3
son5 loves dancing