Thursday, September 25, 2008

More funnies

Just found the list I'd made of humorous sayings. So here's some more......

*We're adults. When did that happen and how do we make it stop?*

*You're my favorite. Don't tell the others.*

*I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I'm to die for.*

*Be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios.*

*Therapy is expensive. Popping bubblewrap is cheap. You choose.*

*Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?*

*If Tylenol, duct tape, or a band-aid can't fix've got a serious problem.*

*Homeschoolers have class....everywhere.*

*I homeschool because I don't believe in the mass production of human beings.*

*Warning: Currently under the influence of toddlers*

*Who are these kids and why are they calling me mom?*

*Moms never pee alone.*

*Yes, all these kids are mine!*

*I lost my mind. I think my kids took it.*

and finally......

*I'll catch up on my sleep when my kids are in college.*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't caught up on my sleep yet! First I had to work to catch up on all the bills after raising the kids. Now I am retired and I have to catch up on my sleep from working all these years! Not sure if I am retired or just tired! - Grandma J