Thursday, July 17, 2008

Welcome To Our World

Greetings to all! I've started this blog for a variety of reasons.

1. As a way to keep a record of what is going on in my family's life.

2. An additional way to keep the grandparents in touch with their "little darlings".

3. Hoping to share any insight we may have on being an old-fashioned family - one that teaches Godly values; homeschools; and holds high-expectations for our kids.

4. And just to show dear hubby that I am not completely computer illiterate.

So who are we? A full-time working for the railroad dad, a homeschooling mom, a "flair for the dramatics" nine year old daughter, a five year old son who no longer needs training wheels to speed down the driveway, a three year old son who loves cuddling and reading "Green Eggs and Ham", and one crazy feline.

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