Friday, October 10, 2008

Husband's health brings us closer to God

As you may have noticed, my posts have fallen a bit behind. Truth is, I'm behind in EVERYTHING. My darling hubby became quite ill at work a few weeks ago and gave us all a scare. After many doctor visits and medical testing, it has been determined that he has heart disease. My 35 year old guy was very shocked to hear this. It's hard for him to accept that he's not invincible.
In practical terms, this means that he will be out of work for a minimum of a month. While I know that God will provide for us during this time, my brain looks at the budget and bills and wonders how. How sad that it takes a near tragedy to focus my complete reliance back on God.
Now as I pray constantly for my husband and our family, I also pray that I will not forget that it is our Glorious Father who provides for us during both the tough and easy times.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Usborne Books

One of the joys of homeschooling is having a home full of books. Unfortunately, that can also become a drain on the finances. So, I've decided to combine our love of books with a way to supplement our income by becoming an Usborne books consultant. When hubby realized how much of our library was made up of Usborne books, he too agreed that working for the company would make more sense.
These are very good quality, highly educational, child friendly books. There's something for every one. Check out my website at . You can order right off the site or contact me to book a party and earn your books for free.
Happy reading!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Kat9's first blog post!

My daughter has asked to be a contributor for this blog. Therefore, we will have the occasional post from "Kat's World". Enjoy!

Hi, welcome to my world! We have ponies and unicorns. Ok, maybe not. But in my world, I take real stories and turn them into make believe stories. This is to tell you what Kat's World is about. There will be lots of different Kat's World stories. I'll add more soon. Later!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

More funnies

Just found the list I'd made of humorous sayings. So here's some more......

*We're adults. When did that happen and how do we make it stop?*

*You're my favorite. Don't tell the others.*

*I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I'm to die for.*

*Be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios.*

*Therapy is expensive. Popping bubblewrap is cheap. You choose.*

*Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?*

*If Tylenol, duct tape, or a band-aid can't fix've got a serious problem.*

*Homeschoolers have class....everywhere.*

*I homeschool because I don't believe in the mass production of human beings.*

*Warning: Currently under the influence of toddlers*

*Who are these kids and why are they calling me mom?*

*Moms never pee alone.*

*Yes, all these kids are mine!*

*I lost my mind. I think my kids took it.*

and finally......

*I'll catch up on my sleep when my kids are in college.*

Just a little quick humor

Lately, I've come upon a couple of bumper stickers and buttons that struck my funny bone. Thought I'd share them.

"I've seen the village. I don't want it raising my child."

"Yes, I'm homeschooled. I'll try to use small words for your benefit."

"Keep taking my name in vain, and the traffic jam will only get longer - God"

"I homeschool. What's your super power?"

"Star Wars: The story of the dysfunctional Skywalker family"

I'll add more as I come upon them. Hope this lightened your day!

Monday, September 15, 2008

First day of school

The joy of homeschooling! Learning in our pajamas!

My brother's wedding

At the end of August, we attended my brother's wedding. My children had a great time being surrounded by so many family members - not to mention the dancing! Here's a few photos from the reception.

daughter, niece (bride's daughter), and son5
nephew (bride's son), son5, son3, and niece
"not another picture" son3
son5 loves dancing

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Dreaded "S" Word

Do you know what word homeschoolers hate with a passion? Socialization! Everyone around us always seems so worried about how our kids will survive in the real world without the benefit of school socialization. Well, let me give you my answer to that concern. Warning - I'm up on my soapbox now!

The Webster dictionary defines "socialize" as:
1. to make fit for living in a group
2. to subject to governmental ownership or control

Are my children fit for living in a group? Well, let's see. Most days my doorbell is rung a minimum of 5 times by other kids asking to play with my kids. My children receive countless invites to overnights and outings. They are involved in church activities, Scouts, and community sports. All of my children will introduce themselves to someone new and ask them politely for their name. They can even get along within their own family on occasion.

As for the second definition, who wants their child under the control of the government! Yes, we will follow the laws of our country (as long as they don't go against God's laws), but I refuse to allow my children to be formed into a standard square peg to fit into the same slot as everyone else. My children are more like a diamond, sphere, and pryamid. They are unique and will continue to be so.

So while most children next week will head into a classroom with one adult and 30 kids the same age, mine will be out in the "real" world. They will get a behind the scenes tour from the postmaster, have a discussion with the lab tech at the clinic, assist a neighbor in his garden, and spend more than two hours a day with their parents. They will not be bombarded with new age relaxation techniques, politically correct thinking, or evolution-based science. They will learn about God's amazing creations, that there is a distinct right and wrong, and that drugs will not solve their problems.

As for critics who will say that I'm out of touch with schools today, let me respond that I was a public school teacher. Been there, done that, running as far from it as I can!

So I'm coming off my soapbox to get back to raising my children without the government's help.

Let me end with a favorite quote from President Ronald Reagan - "The scariest phrase in the English language is 'We're from the government, and we're here to help.' "

Saturday, August 16, 2008

My apologies!

I have just learned that there are inappropriate ads being run on my blog site. Please know that I am working to eliminate them in a timely manner. I want all of my readers to be confident that any ads on my site are "family friendly". Please let me know if this continues to be an issue. Thanks for your understanding and patience.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What to wear?

No, this isn't about standing in front of the closet trying to decide what to wear - although that is a common occurence in our home. This is about whether females should wear pants, dresses/skirts, or both. I have recently been strongly feeling that I need to limit or completely stop how often I wear pants. It really hit home a few weeks back when during a Bible study, I came upon the verse Deuteronomy 22:5 about a woman not wearing a man's clothes and vice versa. So I have decided to do a trial run of wearing skirts and dresses more often. Here's what I've discovered.

1. In summer heat, skirts are actually much cooler than shorts. There is no clinging to the skin but much more air movement. As I do not wear skirts that are short or tight, I have been able to still participate in all outdoor activities with no difficulties.

2. I find myself moving in a more gentle, feminine way. I like feeling like a woman!

3. Although my husband does not care if I wear pants or not, I have noticed an increase in kind comments and expressions on a skirt day. He has definitely shown a preference!

4. While out in public, I hear comments that it is so nice to see a lady wearing something besides tight pants and midrif shirts. Strangers will open the door for me, offer to help carry bags, and start conversations with my children. It's as if the world is looking for a chance to encourage old-fashioned values.

5. When I started this experiment, I didn't make any announcements to family members. However my daughter is now wearing skirts and dresses more than ever before. I see her spinning in the family room and calling herself beautiful. She too is enjoying the benefits of being feminine. And yes, she still rides her bike, plays at the park, and goes traipsing through the fields!

6. I now find myself not wanting to wear pants. They are no longer comfortable to wear.

In summary, it has been three weeks since I started the switch. I'm not sure if I will ever give up pants (especially in the winter at 30 below), but I will definitely wear them a lot less. Yes, it is difficult to find appropriate dresses and skirts in your typical store, but between thrift shops and internet searches, you can find them. I may even finally have to learn how to sew. Hmmm.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Weekend with the grandparents

Daughter9, son5, and niece5
Son3 with big sister hiding behind

As you can see from the above pics, tree climbing is a favorite activity at my parent's home. My oldest two would live in trees if I would allow it. The youngest hadn't shown much interest till just now. You can see that he still had quite a firm grip on that branch!

We headed to my parents right after leaving camp. The camp is half-way between our home and my folks, so it seemed like a good time for our visit. It had been six weeks since the last time we'd seen them. Way too long according to both my kids and my parents!

My parents had a very full house as my brother's two children were also staying for a few days. Grandparents and cousins to play with - life was pretty good. We went swimming, four-wheeling, rock climbing, blueberry picking, toad catching and played hide-n-seek in the dark. The joys of country living!

Bible Camp

Yikes, it's been quite a while since my last post! We've been quite busy the last two weeks. First off was daughter's stay at Bible camp. Even though this was her second summer going, I was still a nervous mama. She, however, had no qualms about it at all. In fact, shortly after getting her all set up, she gave me a quick hug and said "Bye, mom". What?! No tears? Hmmm, wonder if that was because she got the top bunk in her cabin or because she could already smell the camp dinner cooking? Either way, the only child who showed any tears was the 5 year old. He was upset because I wouldn't leave him at camp too. Goodness, my kids are ready to fly the coop already.

The boys did enjoy having mom to themselves for a few days though. We went and explored some new playgrounds and rode bikes every evening. So glad the weather was cooler.

Above is a picture of our camper when we went to pick her up at the end of camp. She was so bright-eyed, full of stories, and eager to recite some new verses she'd memorized. She's already talking about next summer's camp!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birthday time

Finally got around to downloading pics from the 5 year old's birthday.

I was still running the daycare at the time, so we had built in guests galore. Combine water toys, sprinklers, cake, and toys to make for a satisfying birthday. Mr. 5 year old also got his first new bike - no training wheels!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Siblings getting along

Today was proof that siblings can spend a day together with each other and not bicker once! We spent our morning picking strawberries at the strawberry patch. Oh, what a wonderful smell! Not to mention all the pink fingers, shirts, shoes, etc. The kids worked together to fill their baskets. There was no competition, but instead I witnessed a great deal of teamwork. My daughter would pick the berries and dump them into the boys little baskets. The boys in turn would wait until each had a full basket before running to the large bucket to empty their sweet treats. No pushing, whining, or complaining. Best of all, the kids came up with the idea for their assembly line on their own.
After cleaning ourselves up, we headed to the nearby lake for a chance to cool off. Once again, I witnessed sibling cooperation. The oldest tried to teach her little brothers how to swim. She was encouraging and patient. The boys just followed her lead in everything. It was a good reminder for her that she is an example to her brothers. So glad that she was a good example. Just wished I had remembered my camera to capture the moment.
As a wonderful ending to our delightful day, we had fresh strawberry pancakes for dinner. Thanks, hubby, for making them.

These are the type of days that remind me why I put so much energy into parenting.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

How does your garden grow?

I am pleased to say that our first attempt at vegetable gardening is successful! We have radishes, lettuce, and green beans all producing in great quantities. There is also promise yet for a crop of corn, carrots, cucumbers, and onions. What amazes me is that a month ago, everything lookes so straggly that I was sure our garden would never survive. Yet it not only survived, but thrived.
This is such a reminder of how our own children grow. There are times when it seems that they will never "grow and prosper"; but if we give them enough patience, time, and love, they will prosper in ways we could never have imagined but God had planned all along. My 2nd child is a perfect example of this. From a child who didn't speak anything but gibberish for three years, to now a very eloquent and bright 5 year old. All those moments of worry, appointments with specialists, and fears that he was "delayed" were wiped away when out of the blue, child #2 begins reading outloud and asking what every word says.
Our crops produced when they were designed to, and my son talked at the time when God planned. Now if I can continue to remember to let my children develop in God's time and not mine.

Welcome To Our World

Greetings to all! I've started this blog for a variety of reasons.

1. As a way to keep a record of what is going on in my family's life.

2. An additional way to keep the grandparents in touch with their "little darlings".

3. Hoping to share any insight we may have on being an old-fashioned family - one that teaches Godly values; homeschools; and holds high-expectations for our kids.

4. And just to show dear hubby that I am not completely computer illiterate.

So who are we? A full-time working for the railroad dad, a homeschooling mom, a "flair for the dramatics" nine year old daughter, a five year old son who no longer needs training wheels to speed down the driveway, a three year old son who loves cuddling and reading "Green Eggs and Ham", and one crazy feline.