Monday, August 25, 2008

The Dreaded "S" Word

Do you know what word homeschoolers hate with a passion? Socialization! Everyone around us always seems so worried about how our kids will survive in the real world without the benefit of school socialization. Well, let me give you my answer to that concern. Warning - I'm up on my soapbox now!

The Webster dictionary defines "socialize" as:
1. to make fit for living in a group
2. to subject to governmental ownership or control

Are my children fit for living in a group? Well, let's see. Most days my doorbell is rung a minimum of 5 times by other kids asking to play with my kids. My children receive countless invites to overnights and outings. They are involved in church activities, Scouts, and community sports. All of my children will introduce themselves to someone new and ask them politely for their name. They can even get along within their own family on occasion.

As for the second definition, who wants their child under the control of the government! Yes, we will follow the laws of our country (as long as they don't go against God's laws), but I refuse to allow my children to be formed into a standard square peg to fit into the same slot as everyone else. My children are more like a diamond, sphere, and pryamid. They are unique and will continue to be so.

So while most children next week will head into a classroom with one adult and 30 kids the same age, mine will be out in the "real" world. They will get a behind the scenes tour from the postmaster, have a discussion with the lab tech at the clinic, assist a neighbor in his garden, and spend more than two hours a day with their parents. They will not be bombarded with new age relaxation techniques, politically correct thinking, or evolution-based science. They will learn about God's amazing creations, that there is a distinct right and wrong, and that drugs will not solve their problems.

As for critics who will say that I'm out of touch with schools today, let me respond that I was a public school teacher. Been there, done that, running as far from it as I can!

So I'm coming off my soapbox to get back to raising my children without the government's help.

Let me end with a favorite quote from President Ronald Reagan - "The scariest phrase in the English language is 'We're from the government, and we're here to help.' "

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