Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What to wear?

No, this isn't about standing in front of the closet trying to decide what to wear - although that is a common occurence in our home. This is about whether females should wear pants, dresses/skirts, or both. I have recently been strongly feeling that I need to limit or completely stop how often I wear pants. It really hit home a few weeks back when during a Bible study, I came upon the verse Deuteronomy 22:5 about a woman not wearing a man's clothes and vice versa. So I have decided to do a trial run of wearing skirts and dresses more often. Here's what I've discovered.

1. In summer heat, skirts are actually much cooler than shorts. There is no clinging to the skin but much more air movement. As I do not wear skirts that are short or tight, I have been able to still participate in all outdoor activities with no difficulties.

2. I find myself moving in a more gentle, feminine way. I like feeling like a woman!

3. Although my husband does not care if I wear pants or not, I have noticed an increase in kind comments and expressions on a skirt day. He has definitely shown a preference!

4. While out in public, I hear comments that it is so nice to see a lady wearing something besides tight pants and midrif shirts. Strangers will open the door for me, offer to help carry bags, and start conversations with my children. It's as if the world is looking for a chance to encourage old-fashioned values.

5. When I started this experiment, I didn't make any announcements to family members. However my daughter is now wearing skirts and dresses more than ever before. I see her spinning in the family room and calling herself beautiful. She too is enjoying the benefits of being feminine. And yes, she still rides her bike, plays at the park, and goes traipsing through the fields!

6. I now find myself not wanting to wear pants. They are no longer comfortable to wear.

In summary, it has been three weeks since I started the switch. I'm not sure if I will ever give up pants (especially in the winter at 30 below), but I will definitely wear them a lot less. Yes, it is difficult to find appropriate dresses and skirts in your typical store, but between thrift shops and internet searches, you can find them. I may even finally have to learn how to sew. Hmmm.

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